Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Shanghai Girls by Lisa See

Here's the author's website for a full synopsis.
This is a good one! (I guess I don't read "bad" books because I seem to like all of the ones I've read lately!) My mom suggested this after I read Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (it's the same author). A note about the author: I mentioned in a previous post that she was not Chinese, but I read her bio and I think her father was Chinese, at least part, if not full. If you've ever seen her picture, you'll see why I assumed she wasn't. As well as that she did research in China as a "foreigner" so I thought she was not of Chinese decent.
Anyways, I have to say that I liked this one better than Snow Flower. It's starts in the 1930's in Shanghai and follows the lives of two sisters who fall from their comfortable statuses in Shanghai to poverty and tragedy when their father loses everything to gambling. They are sold as wives to be sent to California. I found it easier to envision and "relate" to because it's more recent times than Snow Flower. This is the next generation after foot binding. It's a great story. My only complaint is the ending. It seems like it is set up for a sequel. If it isn't, then I really don't like the ending because it really leaves the reader hanging.
Content warning: There is a rape scene that is disturbing. Other than that, there is very little sexuality and language.


Stew said...

I don't know if I'm interested in this one. Since 'Memoirs of a Geisha', it seems that this genre is a bit overdone.

I suppose that's not a reason to write off a book right away though. Maybe probably add it to my "sometime in the distant future" list.

adrienne said...

I didn't really enjoy Memoirs of a Geisha. It was well written, but I just didn't enjoy it. So if you are going to read on in this genre, I'd suggest Shanghai Girls. I liked it better than any of the others I read. It really discusses the treatment of the Chinese during WWII and post war in America. Very interesting. It's not quite so girly as the others. I actually think you'd like it. So add to your list to read someday.

Stew said...

Ya, Memoirs took me a while to get in to but by the end I liked it well enough. I wouldn't say it was a fantastic story but the writing was beautiful and enchanting so it kind of grabbed me. I haven't jumped much more into that genre because it felt like maybe one book was enough but 2 would lose the enchantment for me.

I suppose if I do decide to dive in though, Shanghai Girls is as good of one as any.

brooke said...

I'll have to read this one. I read Snow Flower awhile ago and I liked it.

Kirsten (Geeky Owl) said...

Just finished the book. I agree about the ending. I want to know what happens! Grrrrr! But I really did like the book. Now I am going to read Snow Flower again.