Friday, September 11, 2009

Authors with a niche...

So lest you think that I LOVE everything I read (because I just finished another one!!) I thought I'd discuss authors that have their niche and stick to it. And I want to know what you think. So I recently read another Jodi Piccoult book. She is the author of My Sister's Keeper. I've read several of hers. Here's the thing: Most of her books that I've read follow a formula. She writes various chapters from various characters points of view. Most of her books have some legal drama as well as medical ethical dilemmas. I enjoy her books, but they're almost all interchangable to me. I pretty much know I'll enjoy it, but it's not anything new. I guess most of them challenge some beliefs I have, but at the same time I can't relate because her characters are so extreme in their choices.
Another author who sticks to one type of story is Nicholas Sparks. He's the one who wrote the Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Message in a Bottle, etc. So all his books are love stories, set in North Carolina, and someone pretty much always dies. I stopped reading his books because they have a little too much sex in them (not all of them, but most of them) and because they are all the same.
So what do you think? Is there an author you love because you know their work and know you'll like it? Or do you crave variety? I guess I like a little of both. Sometimes it's nice to know I'll like something and that I can just read for the entertainment, but I definitely enjoy something totally different.
Well, I just finished an AMAZING book that I'm dying to blog about but it will have to wait until I can truly sit down and tell you about it.


Amber Wigg said...

Nicholas Sparks too much sex? I've read a condensed version of one of his books and his most recent release and I thought they were pretty tame. I don't enjoy his books much though, especially the new release. I've already forgotten the name of it, but it was about a woman in a coma(I think it was a woman, it was quite forgettable) and she never came out of it. Well, she did in the Epilogue...but I HATE epilogues. I try not to read them, I just find them frusterating. Like the Harry Potter epilogue. Everyone hooks up and lives happily ever after. It seems like most epilogues are like that. There'smy rant about the little bit of reading I do. I will find I don't have enough literary intelect to participate in your blog:)

adrienne said...
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Kamille said...

There are definately some fall back authors that I love to read between other things that I know will be entertaining to me. For me that is mostly John Grisham. I find that between reading something that has been recommended to me, or if I start a book that I don't like or can't get into then I read something of his to get me feeling like reading again. I just love his books. I know some may not enjoy lawyer novels but I have liked every book of his that I have read. I guess that there aren't too many other books that I have read a few by the same author. Maybe going on a Jane Austin kick as well. Sometimes I feel like continuing in the same genre and that would help me to keep reading a certain author, or era, or kind of book. It is fun, and then I feel like something different. I just read a few holocoust books close together and was really into those books. Anyways, there is my longwinded response! As usual! Thanks.

Kamille said...

I guess some other authors to fall back on, always J.K. Rowling and for something funny I guess I read all of Sopie Kinsella's books! So it is nice to know that you like an author even if only to fall back on between other books.

Mandy said...

Jodi Picoult books are the same to me...they're all interchangable and predictable because they all have, like you say, a certain formula.